Backyard deer hunting

     Backyard deer hunting: Converting deer to dinner for pennies per pound is a new book designed to allow people who have never hunted or cooked wild game to take advantage of North America’s abundant game populations to feed their families. It has been a  year-long struggle to get this book into print because many potential publishers could not see the need, felt that my one-book treatment of such a complex subject was impossible or that the millions of people who are likely to be unemployed this next hunting season would buy books.

At this moment, April 29, 2009, the book has been received by the publisher, and I am promised galley copies of the text and the cover in 15 days. This will permit the book to be published in June, which will be in time for the 2009-2010 hunting season.

It appears that the book will be about 230 pages, have 100 illustrations, 50 recipes, a supplier’s list and index. It will be available as both on-line and in soft-cover editions from Author House.  As of this time a price has not been set.

I have written this book in an easy style, like talking to a favorite grandparient, and sprinkled it with many real-life events from my own experiences. My objective is  making this book not only an an informational read, but also an enjoyable one.

In later postings, I will share some of the contents of the book and trace its progress towards release.

Wm. Hovey Smith

154 Responses to “Backyard deer hunting”

  1. Wesley says:


    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó….

  2. benjamin says:


    tnx for info!!…

  3. jesse says:



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